Welcome to the TrustID API

Welcome to this TrustID API documentation which explains how to interface to the TrustID Cloud.

The TrustID Cloud provides a rich Application Programming Interface (API) for integrating your business workflow with identity document-related services.


This documentation is based on the four main workflows that are used. Your development process should follow one of these workflows:

The two APIs

This documentation describes the two main ways to interface with the TrustID Cloud:

  • Using the TrustID RAW API - allows your business application to interface directly with the TrustID Cloud via its HTTP/JSON service interface model which works independently of any programming language or environment. Note that the raw API does not provide any helper functions or code implementations; it is up to the integrator to use the HTTP/JSON-based protocol to interface with the TrustID Cloud.

  • Using the TrustID Javascript API - allows your business application to interface directly with the TrustID Cloud via the Javascript programming environment. For more details see .

For example, you could directly extend your web-based business software or cloud system to communicate with the TrustID Cloud to upload document data, verify document-related information, manage multiple uploads at the same time or access archived information.

While the Raw API is the underlying and more fundamental programming model and is independent of your environment and programming language, the Javascript API is built on top of the Raw API in order to make it easy to interface with the TrustID Cloud if your programming model is based on Javascript.

The Javascript API can be used in browser-based websites and web applications based on React, AngularJS or other frameworks. It can also be used on the server via its node.js version. Finally, it is also available on mobile platforms through its React Native support.

See also

Introducing the Raw API - describes the fundamentals of this API.

Raw API Reference - describes individual request/response messages and related data models.

Introducing the JavaScript API - describes the fundamentals of this API.

Javascript API Reference- describes individual classes, properties and methods.

System Setup

Do not try to integrate the TrustID API into your front end web application; it will run in the browser. You should integrate your system’s back end server with the TrustID Cloud API. Your front end application will use your own API to talk to your server.

For your development stage we provide these sandbox servers:

Once you are ready to go into production, switch to one of these production servers:


The TrustID Cloud maintains a concept of applications. An application normally relates to one person, except in the case of Right to Rent. Each application may contain one or more documents and each document may contain multiple images. Historically, applications were called document containers (or just containers) which is why you may find both ways of describing the same thing within this document and its code examples.


The system provides support for custom fields at application-level and document-level. While this documentation always prefers the term application-level or document-level, some code examples or reference documentation may use the term flexible fields when referring to application-level custom fields and simply custom fields when referring to document-level custom fields.

Application States

Each application created with the TrustID Cloud follows a set workflow. During this time the application passes through a number of states, as shown below:

  • Temp state - during construction an application is in this state. At this time data can be added and removed from the application, for example new documents can be added and images uploaded. Any application that is left in a Temp state for 24 hours will be deleted.

  • Pending state - after an application is submitted (published) it moves into this state while it is processed by the TrustID Cloud.

  • Archive state - once an application has been processed it moves into this state. Users whose ArchiveVisibility allows them to see applications scanned by the user who created an application are able to view the application results.

Table of Contents

The following list shows the main contents of this documentation. You can also open a list of the contents of any of the main sections by clicking on it in the tree to the left of this page under the TrustID icon.