
createQueuedDocumentContainer(branchId, applicationFlexibleFieldValues, clientApplicationReference, containerEventCallbackUrl, containerEventCallbackHeaders)

Creates a new container that is in a queued state. These containers are presented to users of TrustID client application software to select and populate. This allows your API to set some custom field data to avoid the user having to do so.

This method executes asynchronously and returns a promise.

  • branchId (guid()) – Optional: The unique identifier of the branch to assign this queued application to. If this is not supplied, the application is assigned to the branch of the session account.

  • applicationFlexibleFieldValues (object()) – Optional: Contains application-level custom field information used to set these custom fields. The method Container.createCustomFields() can be used to create the required object data.

  • clientApplicationReference (string()) – Optional: An optional string that can be passed through, that allows for calling clients to add identifying information. This may be useful for the adding of context mapping, or linking your object ID’s to ours. This value will be included in request payload sent to your webhook.

  • containerEventCallbackUrl (string()) – Optional: An url used for callback to your webhook.

  • containerEventCallbackHeaders (object()) – Optional: Contains list of Headers and Values used in callback.


For error responses, see Error Responses.

If successful, the response object provides different data depending on your input. The response could include the following properties:

  • Success – This property is always present and is set to true when the call succeeds.

  • ContainerId – Unique identifier of the document container that was created on the TrustID cloud.