
createDocumentContainer(createDocument, documentSource, flexibleFields)

Creates a new temporary document container on the TrustID Cloud. This has the given document source and application-level custom fields.

This method executes asynchronously and returns a promise.

  • createDocument (bool()) – Optional: true if an empty document should be created alongside the new document container. Default: false.

  • documentSource (int()) – Optional: The source of the document provides information on how the application has been obtained. See Application-level Custom Fields for a list of available document sources, or see Class Container.

  • flexibleFields (object()) – Optional: Contains application-level custom field information to set application-level custom fields. The method Container.createCustomFields() can be used to contract the required object data.


For error responses, see Error Responses.

If successful, the response object provides a unique identifier of the new document container that has been created through the ContainerId property.