Submitting a New Application

Applications can be either the Standard Document type or Online Check which follow a similar flow.

An application comprises several components:

  • The outer component is the application itself, also called a document container. This may contain metadata such as application-level flexible fields, but most importantly it contains a list of documents.

  • Each document contains metadata and optionally document-level custom fields. It may also contain a list of document images.

  • Each image contains metadata about the image, most importantly the image type.

In order to create a new application, different kinds of data must be uploaded to the TrustID Cloud. These include application data, document data, and image data.

The data is not all submitted to the TrustID Cloud in one go. Instead, multiple requests are usually required in order to upload different parts of the application. Once all parts have been uploaded, the application is published, which makes it available for further processing and - ultimately - available to operators of the system.

Flow Diagram

This diagram shows the procedure:


The following sections discuss all aspects of the process in detail.

Creating a New (Empty) Application

Before anything else can be uploaded, the application’s outer document container must be created by sending the following request message:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentSource": 4

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/.

You must specify the general source of application documents. If you simply upload individual scanned images without using specialised document scanning hardware, you must use DocumentSource.Image. If you used specialised document scanning hardware, use DocumentSource.Scanner instead.

The TrustID Cloud creates a new (empty) document container and the response indicates the unique identifiers of the container created:


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",

    "ContainerId": "..."

See the CreateDocumentContainerRequest.DocumentSource property reference for more information about document sources.

Application-level Custom Fields

When creating a new application, custom fields at application-level can be specified. The following example shows how to create a new application and specify application-level custom fields at the same time.

The example assumes that an application-level custom field has been defined with the internal name department.


Contact TrustID if you would like application-level custom fields added to your account.

To construct application-level custom fields, you must obtain the definition for application-level custom fields once as shown below:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/applicationFlexibleFieldAttributes/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",

For endpoint details see /dataAccess/applicationFlexibleFieldAttributes/.


The result is a list of all application-level custom fields supported by the TrustID Cloud:

    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "ApplicationFlexibleFieldAttributes": [
            "BranchId": null,
            "CreationDate": "/Date(...)/",
            "DataRange": "450",
            "DataType": 1,
            "DefaultValue": null,
            "DisplayName": "Department",
            "FieldOrderIndex": 1,
            "FlexibleFieldId": "36fda3bf-b6c3-46d7-94f2-8b7b6ae8cd54",
            "HelpText": "Name of Department",
            "Id": "36fda3bf-b6c3-46d7-94f2-8b7b6ae8cd54",
            "IsActive": true,
            "IsEnabled": true,
            "IsValidationField": false,
            "Mandatory": true,
            "Name": "Department"

To create a custom field when creating a new application, submit the following structure which refers to the corresponding metadata for the application-level custom field (see above):

POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentSource": 4,
    "ApplicationFlexibleFieldValues": [
            "FlexibleFieldVersionId": "36fda3bf-b6c3-46d7-94f2-8b7b6ae8cd54",
            "FieldValueString": "Software Development and IT Department"

In the above example the following request properties have been set:

See also

/dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/ for more information on how to work with application-level custom fields.

ApplicationFlexibleFieldAttribute and ApplicationFlexibleFieldValue.

Adding an IDV / Address Check

If you doing a KYC/AML IDV check, you will need to submit the address to carry out the check against. You can do this at the point of creating the application. The following example shows how to create a new application and specify the address for the KYC/AML IDV check at the same time.


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/
Content-Type: application/json

  "DeviceId": "device-id",
  "SessionId": "...",
  "DocumentSource": 4,
  "DocumentContainerFieldList": [
      "Name": "Address1",
      "FieldValueString": "address-1"
    }, {
      "Name": "Address2",
      "FieldValueString": "address-2"
    }, {
      "Name": "Address3",
      "FieldValueString": "address-3"
    }, {
      "Name": "Address4",
      "FieldValueString": "address-4"
    }, {
      "Name": "Address5",
      "FieldValueString": "address-5"
    }, {
      "Name": "Address6",
      "FieldValueString": "address-6"
    }, {
      "Name": "Address_Postcode",
      "FieldValueString": "address-postcode"
    }, {
      "Name": "Address_CountryCode",
      "FieldValueString": "address-countrycode"


  "AccessDenied": false
  "Message": "Operation executed successfully."
  "SessionExpired": false
  "Success": true
  "VpeUnreachable": false

Checking a Physical Document

After creating the document container new documents must be created within it in order for them to be checked. If you have images of a physical document that you wish to check this process involves creating the document, with any known data, and then uploading the front image followed by the back image if the document is 2-sided.

Creating a New Document

To create a new document in the document container the following API call can be used:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocument/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "ContainerId": "..."

For endpoint details, see /dataAccess/createDocument/.

This creates a new (blank) document that does not specify any document type. All document data is inferred from document image data that must be uploaded alongside the document (not shown in this example).

Additional data often needs to be supplied when creating a document, but the data required depends on the service you are using and what you are uploading. Therefore we have created several sections on creating a document and you should select the scenarios that apply.

Creating a New Document With Person Matches Result

Sometimes, some information is already known about the document and this may be provided as initial document data. In the following example, a new document is created and includes the fact that the operator has successfully verified that the person who presented the document matches the photo on the document. This is done by setting the Document.FeedbackPersonMatches property as initial document data:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocument/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "ContainerId": "...",
    "Document": {
        "FeedbackPersonMatches": 1

For details, see Document.FeedbackPersonMatches.

Creating a New Document With Custom Fields

A document can have custom fields attached to it and these can be specified as part of the initial document data. The example in this section creates a new document with document-level custom field data attached to it.

The example assumes that the TrustID Cloud has been configured with a document-level custom field with the name studentNumber.


Use the TrustID Cloud configuration app to define your own document-level custom fields and make them available to the API.

To construct document-level custom fields, the definition for document-level custom fields must be obtained once as shown below:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/customFields/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/customFields/.


This lists all document-level custom fields that are supported by the TrustID Cloud:

    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "CustomFields": [
            "DataType": 0,
            "DisplayName": "Student Number",
            "Help": "Unique Student Number",
            "Index": 0,
            "PropertyName": "studentNumber",
            "Required": false

To construct a document-level custom field, only the unique property name (studentNumber in the example below) and its value are required. This example creates a new document with the defined list of custom fields attached:

POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocument/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "ContainerId": "...",
    "Document": {
        "CustomFieldDictionary": [
                "Key": "studentNumber",
                "Value": {
                    "Value": "12345678"

This process is similar to constructing application-level fields as outlined in Application-level Custom Fields.

Document-level custom fields must be set as initial document data by using the Document.CustomFieldDictionary property.

When reading document-level custom fields, the outer Value property contains a number of properties according to the CustomField model, for example:

    "CustomFieldDictionary": [
            "Key": "studentNumber",
            "Value": {
                "DataType": 0,
                "DisplayName": "Student Number",
                "Help": "Unique Student Number",
                "Index": 0,
                "PropertyName": "studentNumber",
                "Required": false
                "Value": "12345678"

However, when constructing document-level custom fields, all fields are inferred from the definition of the custom field, so the definition is collapsed down to just the Value property.

    "CustomFieldDictionary": [
            "Key": "studentNumber",
            "Value": {
                "Value": "12345678"

See also

/dataAccess/customFields/ endpoint reference.

The CustomField model.

Creating a New Supporting Document

A supporting document is any document that supports the application for which proof of identity is required. This is usually a utility bill or similar document used, for example, to prove a valid address.

Obtain a list of known supporting documents from the TrustID Cloud as shown below:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/getDocumentTypeChargeStatuses/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "..."

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/getDocumentTypeChargeStatuses/. This gives more information about receiving a list of supported document types.


This lists all supported document types including default types such as Visa documents and passports as well as built-in supporting document types:

    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "DocumentTypeChargeStatuses": [
            "Active": true,
            "DisplayName": "Visa",
            "DocumentType": 1,
            "Id": 1
        }, {
            "Active": true,
            "DisplayName": "Biometric Residence Permit",
            "DocumentType": 2,
            "Id": 2
        }, {
            "Active": true,
            "DisplayName": "Proof of Address (No Validation)",
            "DocumentType": 4,
            "Id": 3

Independently of this list, when you create a new document you must set the document type Document.DocumentType to DocumentType.SupportingDocument to indicate that the document is a supporting document. The property Document.SupportingDocumentName can then be set to the name of the type of supporting document, such as Proof of Address as shown below:

POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocument/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "ContainerId": "...",
    "Document": {
        "DocumentType": 4,
        "SupportingDocumentName": "Proof of Address (No Validation)"

Uploading Document Image Data

Once the document has been created images of the the document must be uploaded, one at a time.

Image data is important bacause all major document metadata is obtained from it, including whether it is valid. The quality of the images uploaded is important because a higher level of validation can only be carried out if it is high enough. TrustID recommend 600dpi images are uploaded where possible.

Apart from the actual binary image data, the image type must be specified when uploading image data to the TrustID Cloud. The image type in this instance is not file type, but a flag to specify what the image is of. The usual image types are:

See also

Image Types for more information about supported image types.

The following example demonstrates how image data can be uploaded, based on binary image data that is encoded as an octet stream.


The binary image data should be the raw image bitmap data in JPEG or PNG format.

When uploading binary data to the TrustID Cloud, the request message is the binary image data instead of a JSON-encoded request message. However, we still need to encode some request arguments such as the session identifier or the container identifier. The TrustID Cloud provides a way of doing this, as shown below:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/uploadImage/?__TT_ContainerId=...&__TT_DocumentId=...&__TT_ImageType=2
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
__TT_DeviceId: device-id
__TT_SessionId: ...

<binary image data as octet stream>

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/uploadImage/. This gives details of how to upload binary image data.


This indicates the unique identifier of the image created:

    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "ImageId": "..."

The actual payload is now an octet data stream encoding the binary image data that we want to submit to the TrustID Cloud. Security-related information is encoded as HTTP headers, where the header __TT_DeviceId encodes the device identifier and __TT_SessionId encodes the session identifier.

Any other arguments are added by using the query string of the request URL. In this case these are __TT_ContainerId, __TT_DocumentId and __TT_ImageType.


All request properties (if no JSON-encoded request message can be used) are prefixed with the term __TT_ and can be encoded using the HTTP header and/or query string arguments.

Uploading Document Image Data Re-Tries

In addition to Uploading Document Image Data, you can enable retries when a document has failed to auto-read. To do this, you must contact our help desk to enable this setting. Once enabled, if a document fails to auto-read, the system will respond with an Error Code, which can display a meaningful message and the number of remaining retries (OcrRetriesAttemptsRemainingCount). This can then trigger a retry of the document upload process. A response example has been provided below.


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Unable to read this document, please upload image of a document again.",
    "ImageId": "...",
    "ErrorCode": "280",
    "OcrRetriesAttemptsRemainingCount": 2

Error Code

Error Code Description


Error: Image failed glare, sharpness or dimenssion check


Error: Engine unavailable


Error: Image file anomaly found while processing


Error: Unable to identify document in scene (230 Crop Error/240 unidentified image)


Error: Unsupported country of issue (250 error of classification/ 260 unidentified classification)


Error: Unsupported ID document


Error: Document type invalid


Error: Document side sequence error


Error: Systematic error


Command Error, command type: ./engine4 -[mode] [country code] [image_front] [image_back]

Checking an Online Check Document

An Online Check document is a digital document that is downloaded from a 3rd party site. Currently we only support the Settled Status document downloaded from UK Government website.

The workflow for checking an Online Check is slightly different to that used for checking a physical document.

Creating a New (Empty) Application with a Custom Company Name

If you are creating an online check and wish to submit a custom company name you can send a custom document container field with the Name “RTWCompanyName”. This is an optional step.


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentSource": 4
        "FieldValueString":"Custom Company Name",

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/.

You must specify the general source of application documents. If you simply upload individual scanned images without using specialised document scanning hardware, you must use DocumentSource.Image. If you used specialised document scanning hardware, use DocumentSource.Scanner instead.

The TrustID Cloud creates a new (empty) document container and the response indicates the unique identifiers of the container created:


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",

    "ContainerId": "..."

See the CreateDocumentContainerRequest.DocumentSource property reference for more information about document sources.

Creating a New Online Check Document

Once a document container has been created a document of type Online Check must be added to it, as the first step for checking a digital document.

The following request demostrates how to create an Online Check and set the value of the “Date of Birth” and “Sharecode”:

POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocument/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "ContainerId": "...",
    "Document": {
        "DocumentName":"Online RTW Check",
        "DocumentFields": [
            "Name": "MAN Birth Date",
            "FieldValueDate": "/Date({{BirthDateEpochTimestamp}})/"
            "Name": "MAN Online Share Code","FieldValueString": "{{9-CharShareCode}}"

Triggering the Remote Download of Online Check

Once the document object for the Online Check has been created, you must trigger the TrustID Service to download the digital document from the 3rd party site.

The following request demonstrates how to trigger the download:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/downloadOnlineCheck/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentId": "..."


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "AccessDenied": false,
    "SessionExpired": false,
    "VpeUnreachable": false,
    "CallbackId": null,
    "Locked": false,
        "Images": [{...}, {...}]

Download Photo From Online Check

Once the TrustID Service has successfully completed the remote download of the Online Check it is possible to download the photo extracted from the document, to present to a user in order for them to confirm that the Online Check belongs to the person that presented it.

To do this you should check the response of /dataAccess/downloadOnlineCheck/ to find the ID of the photo by looking for the Image with an Image.ImageType value ImageType.Face.


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/retrieveImageOnlineCheck/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentId": "..."


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "AccessDenied": false,
    "SessionExpired": false,
    "VpeUnreachable": false,
    "CallbackId": null,
    "Locked": false

Checking an Online Right To Rent Check Document

An Online Right To Rent Check document is a digital document that is downloaded from UK Government website.

The workflow for checking an Online RTR Check is slightly different to that used for checking a physical document.

Creating a New (Empty) Application including RTR Agent Name

Before anything else can be uploaded, the application’s outer document container must be created by sending the following request message:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentSource": 4

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/.

You must specify the general source of application documents. If you simply upload individual scanned images without using specialised document scanning hardware, you must use DocumentSource.Image. If you used specialised document scanning hardware, use DocumentSource.Scanner instead.

You must also specified RTRAgentName in order to be able to run Online RTR Check.

The TrustID Cloud creates a new (empty) document container and the response indicates the unique identifiers of the container created:


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",

    "ContainerId": "..."

See the CreateDocumentContainerRequest.DocumentSource property reference for more information about document sources.

Creating a New Online RTR Check Document

Once a document container has been created, a document of type Online RTR Check must be added to it, as the first step for checking a digital document.

The following request demostrates how to create an Online RTR Check and set the value of the “Date of Birth” and “Sharecode”:

POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocument/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "ContainerId": "...",
    "Document": {
        "DocumentName":"Online RTR Check",
        "DocumentFields": [
            "Name": "MAN Birth Date",
            "FieldValueDate": "/Date({{BirthDateEpochTimestamp}})/"
            "Name": "MAN Online Share Code","FieldValueString": "{{9-CharShareCode}}"

Triggering the Remote Download of Online RTR Check

Once the document object for the Online RTR Check has been created, you must trigger the TrustID Service to download the digital document from the 3rd party site.

The following request demonstrates how to trigger the download:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/downloadOnlineCheck/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentId": "..."


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "AccessDenied": false,
    "SessionExpired": false,
    "VpeUnreachable": false,
    "CallbackId": null,
    "Locked": false,
        "Images": [{...}, {...}]

Download Photo From Online RTR Check

Once the TrustID Service has successfully completed the remote download of the Online RTR Check, it is possible to download the photo extracted from the document, to present to a user in order for them to confirm that the Online RTR Check belongs to the person that presented it.

To do this you should check the response of /dataAccess/downloadOnlineCheck/ to find the ID of the photo by looking for the Image with an Image.ImageType value ImageType.Face.


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/retrieveImageOnlineCheck/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "DocumentId": "..."


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "AccessDenied": false,
    "SessionExpired": false,
    "VpeUnreachable": false,
    "CallbackId": null,
    "Locked": false

Uploading an Applicant Photo

Each application can have one “selfie” image, which the system calls an Applicant Photo. To upload an applicant photo, you use a different API endpoint from that used for uploading document images. However, the format is identical.


The ability to upload an applicant photo can be either disabled, optional, or mandatory. To adjust the configuration of your account, contact TrustID.


If you have your account configured to run a “Passive Liveness” test on the applicant photo, you should ensure that the applicant photo has been captured by the user submitting it. That is, your application should force the user to capture the image there and then and not select a previously captured image.

When uploading binary data to the TrustID Cloud, the request message is the binary image data instead of a JSON-encoded request message. However, we still need to encode some request arguments such as the session identifier or the container identifier. The TrustID Cloud provides a way of doing this, as shown below:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/uploadApplicantPhoto/?__TT_ContainerId=...&TT_FileName=...&__TT_ImageData=...
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
__TT_DeviceId: device-id
__TT_SessionId: ...

<binary image data as octet stream>

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/uploadApplicantPhoto/.


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
    "ImageId": "..."

The actual payload is now an octet data stream encoding the binary image data that we want to submit to the TrustID Cloud. Security-related information is encoded as HTTP headers, where the header __TT_DeviceId encodes the device identifier and __TT_SessionId encodes the session identifier.

Any other arguments are added by using the query string of the request URL. In this case this is __TT_ContainerId.


All request properties (if no JSON-encoded request message can be used) are prefixed with “__TT_” and can be encoded using the HTTP header and/or query string arguments.

Publishing an Application

After a new application has been constructed by creating a document container, adding documents, and uploading all image data, the resulting application can be published.

An unpublished application only exists temporarily; it is not processed and is not visible to anyone else. In fact, a temporary application is automatically deleted from the system after a certain period of time.

Publishing the application processes it and makes it available to operators for further inspection if required.

Publishing an application is the equivalent of saying that the construction of the application is complete, that all information has been uploaded, and that the application is now ready to be processed.

Publish the document container constructed in the previous examples as shown below:


POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/publishDocumentContainer/
Content-Type: application/json

    "DeviceId": "device-id",
    "SessionId": "...",
    "ContainerId": "...",
    "WebClientRequest": true,
    "AutoReferral": true
    "CallbackUrl": ""

For details of the endpoint, see /dataAccess/publishDocumentContainer/.