
Represents a security or supporting document as part of a document Container.


= AspectRatio

The aspect ratio of the document as defined by the width divided by the height of the document.


= Audited

true if this document has been audited by another operator.


= AuditedByUser

Identifier of the user who audited this document (if any).


= AuditorMessage

A message that might have been given by the operator who audited this document.


= AuditorStatus

The verification status of this document that has been given by the operator who audited this document.

See also

DocumentStatus for more information about the document status.


= Blacklisted

true, if this document is blacklisted according to the blacklisted document number on the TrustID Cloud instance that processed this document. Blacklisted document numbers are managed by administrators of the system.


= BlacklistedAt

The date and time when the document number of this document was blacklisted on the TrustID Cloud instance that processed this document.


= BranchName

The name of the branch for which this document has been processed (if any).


= ContainerId

The unique identifier of the document container that this document belongs to.


= ContinuedManually

true, if an operator stopped re-scanning the document (perhaps due to an operator error or a faulty document) and continued manually instead, in order to process the document manually.


= CreatedAt

The time stamp showing when this record was created.


= CustomFieldDictionary

List of key/value pairs for document-level custom fields.

The format for this structure is:

        "Key": "<name>",
        "Value": {
            // CustomField

See also

CustomField for more information about custom fields.


= CustomFieldKeys

A list of internal field names of all document-level custom fields that are available for this document.


= DetectedOrientation

The orientation of the document image that has been detected automatically.

See also

section ImageOrientation for more information about the document orientation.


= DocumentCompleted

true if the document has been completed by an operator and the operator assigned a status to this document. All documents within a document container must be completed first in order to be able to archive the corresponding document container.


= DocumentConfiguration

Allows for the configuration of how documents are processed and/or validated.

See also

DocumentConfiguration for more information about document configuration.


= DocumentFields

A list of document fields that are associated with this document.

See also

DocumentField for more information about an individual document field.


= DocumentId

The unique identifier of the document record.


= DocumentName

The full name of the document type. The available types of documents are configured on the TrustID Cloud instance that processed this document.

See also

To obtain all configured document types use the endpoint /dataAccess/getDocumentTypeChargeStatuses/.


= DocumentResultsSummary

A list of feedback properties that indicate a certain assessment risk for this document.

See also

DocumentFeedback for more information on document feedback properties.


= DocumentSubType

The sub-type of this document in relation to its type according to the knowledge database.

See also

KDBDocumentSubType for more information about the document sub-type (knowledge database).


= DocumentType

The internal type of this document.

See also

DocumentType for more information about the document type.


= DocumentValidations

List of validations that have been carried out for this document.

See also

DocumentValidation for more information about a document validation entry.


= DocumentVersion

The document version of this document according to the knowledge database, if applicable.


= DrivingLicenceCategory

The category for driving licences. Usually, this contains information on the different driving categories the document holder is entitled to.


= Editable

true if this document can be changed by updating its properties.


= ExpiryNotification

true if the TrustID Cloud sends an automatic email regarding information on this document, which was about to expire within a certain time frame.


= ExternalServices

List of data was obtained from querying external services regarding this document.

See also

ExternalServiceData for more information on external service result details.


= ExternalServicesQueried

true if at least one external service was queried. This does not necessarily mean that there is a valid result from an external service.


= FeedbackFeatures

List of results from feedback questions that an operator gave. Those questions were derived from the knowledge database, for example, to compare a region of the image in visual light against the same region under infrared light.

See also

DocumentFeatureFeedback for more information about document feature feedback details.


= FeedbackHasMrz

true if the operator confirmed that the document has a machine readable zone on it.


= FeedbackPersonMatches

The answer to the operator question if the document holder is matching the photo on the security document.




The operator confirmed that the document holder (in person) does not match the facial photo on the document.


The operator confirmed that the document holder (in person) matches the facial photo.


The operator indicated that the person is not present or no person has been seen.


= FeedbackRFIDImageMatches




The operator confirmed that the facial image on the document (or the document holder in person) matches the facial image that was obtained from the RFID chip on the travel document.


The operator confirmed that the facial image on the document (or the document holder in person) does NOT match the facial image that was obtained from the RFID chip on the travel document.


The question was not asked or not answered.


= GeneralDocumentProperties

Return a list of document feedback properties that describe various aspects of the document validation (e.g. photo comparison etc).

See also

DocumentFeedback for more information on document feedback properties.


= HasError

true if there is an issue with the document, for example, an incorrect checksum, negative feedback from an operator etc.


= HighRiskCountry

true if the issuing country of this document is considered as a high-risk country. High-risk countries are configured on the TrustID Cloud instance by administrators of the system.


= Images

List of document images for this document. May contain front side and/or backside under multiple types of light, such as visual light, infrared or ultraviolet.

See also

Image for more information about image details.


= IssuingAuthority

The name of the issuing authority who issues the document.


= IssuingCountry

The country who issues this document.

See also

KDBCountry for more information about country details.



true if this document was processed with the knowledge database installed.


= Locked

true after an auditor reviewed this document and assigned the final document status to this document. Locked documents cannot be modified after they have been locked.


= MRZCorrected

true if the machine-readable zone (MRZ) was manually changed by an operator in order to correct MRZ errors or OCR issues.


= MRZCorrectionProvided

True if a manual correction of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) was provided to an operator.


= MaxAgeFailed

The maximum age that the document holder was required to satisfy but failed to do so; null, if no maximum age restriction test has been performed.


= MinAgeFailed

The minimum age that the document holder was required to satisfy but failed to do so; null, if no minimum age restriction test has been performed.


= MissingFieldsProperties

List of document feedback properties that list missing document fields.

See also

DocumentFeedback for more information on document feedback properties.


= Mrz

The machine-readable zone data that was obtained through optical character recognition or by other means (may contain multiple lines, separated by newline characters).


= MrzCharacterCount

The number of characters per line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ).


= MrzImageType

The image type of the image on which basis the machine-readable zone (MRZ) has been identified (if any).


= MrzLineCount

The number of lines of the machine-readable zone (MRZ).


= MrzSameLength

true if all lines of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) have the same length.


= MrzValidationProperties

List of document feedback properties that describe various aspects of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) validation including checksums etc.

See also

DocumentFeedback for more information on document feedback properties.


= Nationality

The country the document holder holds nationality status with.

See also

KDBCountry for more information about country details.


= NoInitialFaceImage

true if the document does not contain a face image when the document was scanned for the first time without involving the backside of the document. Clients may infer for specific documents that the operator may have to scan the backside of the document because there is no face image available based on the initial scan.


= Notes

Notes regarding this document that was provided by an operator of the system. Notes may be provided by an operator at any stage of the process.


= OcrDataApplied

true if data has been obtained through optical character recognition (OCR) and was applied to this document.


= OcrFieldData

List of data entries for document areas from which data was extracted through optical character recognition (OCR). Matching data may have been applied to this document (see Document.OcrDataApplied); However, this data also contains additional information on the region of the document from which the data was obtained originally.

See also

OcrFieldData for more information about OCR field data.


= OperatorMessage

Additional information on this document given by the operator who completed this document.


= OperatorStatus

The document status that was assigned to this document by an operator as the operator completed this document.

See also

DocumentStatus for more information about the document status.


= OriginalMrz

The machine-readable zone data that was obtained through optical character recognition or otherwise before it may have been corrected manually by an operator.


= PartiallyRecognised

true if the document type was identified correctly, but the machine readable zone data was only partially recognised and contains so many errors that we would need to process the document again. Most likely the document has a machine-readable zone but we could not read it because of alignment issue or other problems.


= RFIDFailed

true if the TVS client attempted to read the RFID chip on the travel document but was unable to access the chip due to an error condition. We can infer that the document has an RFID chip, but we were unable to read data from it. This property should not be true if the document does not have an RFID chip.


= RfidMrz

The machine-readable zone data that was obtained from the RFID chip of this travel document.


= RuleDenied

true if the system has denied this document based on the rules set up at the time of scanning or last modification.


= ScanCounter

The number of scans that were taken for this document. By default the number of scans is 1; However, operators may rescan documents a number of times for various reasons, for example, incorrect orientation, RFID chip error due to misalignment of the document etc. Each time the document is re-scanned by an operator, the number of scans is incremented by one.


= ScannedAt

Timestamp when this record has been created.


= ScannerType

The reader/SDK used to scan the document (if any).


= SeenBeforeDocumentContainerId

The unique identifier of the document container that contains the same (or very similar) information to this document that was seen before by the same TrustID Cloud instance in the past.


= SeenBeforeDocumentId

The unique identifier of the document that contains the same (or very similar) information to this document that was seen before by the same TVS service instance in the past.


= SupportingDocumentName

The type of the supporting document if this document has been classified as a supporting document. The available types of supporting documents are configured on the TrustID Cloud instance that processed this document by an administrator.


= Unrecognised

true if this document was unrecognised, which means that the TVS service was unable to identify the document type and no useful machine readable zone data could be obtained. Most likely the document does not contain a machine-readable zone.


= UpdatedAt

Timestamp when this document record was updated most recently.


= ValidFrom

The date when this document was issued.


= ValidLength

true if the machine-readable zone has a valid length (per line).


= VpeDeviceId

The unique identifier of the TrustID Cloud that processed this document.


= VpeName

The given name of the TrustID Cloud that processed this document.


= WizardCompleted

true if the operator went through the process of checking the document step-by-step successfully and completed the so-called wizard process for this document.