The /dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/ endpoint creates a new document container for which additional meta data or document data can be uploaded.
A new document container instance will be retained during the lifetime of the user session in principal but unpublished document containers may be removed automatically after a certain period of time.
POST {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/createDocumentContainer/
Content-Type: application/json
"DeviceId": "device-id",
"SessionId": "...",
"CreateDocument": false,
"DocumentSource": 4,
"ScannerType": "3M",
"ApplicationFlexibleFieldValues": [
"FlexibleFieldVersionId": "...",
"FieldValueString": "Software Development and IT Department"
"ClientApplicationReference": "MyReference"
- CreateDocumentContainerRequest.CreateDocument¶
if a new document is created alongside the new container automatically; otherwise the new container will be empty. Default:false
- CreateDocumentContainerRequest.DocumentSource¶
The general source of the application. When using a desktop scanner application, this is usually a hardware scanner. However, when simply uploading individual scanned images and no specialised document scanning hardware is used,
must be used (default).See also
DocumentSource for more information about the document source.
- CreateDocumentContainerRequest.ScannerType¶
Tells the TrustID Cloud, when creating the document record, which reader/SDK was being used to process document data.
- CreateDocumentContainerRequest.ClientApplicationReference¶
An optional string that can be passed through, that allows for calling clients to add identifying information. This may be useful for the adding of context mapping, or linking your object ID’s to ours. This value will be included in request payload sent to your webhook.
- CreateDocumentContainerRequest.ApplicationFlexibleFieldValues¶
List of application-level custom fields that are attached to the application. Default: Empty list.
{ "ApplicationFlexibleFieldValues": [ { "FlexibleFieldVersionId": "...", "FieldValueString": "Software Development and IT Department" } ] }
Flexible field identifier.
Flexible field value for string values.
Flexible field value for integer values.
Flexible field values for date values.
Flexible field values for decimal values.
See also
ApplicationFlexibleFieldValue for more information about application flexible field values.
"Success": true,
"Message": "Operation executed successfully.",
"ContainerId": "...",
"DocumentId": "..."
- CreateDocumentContainerResponse.ContainerId¶
Unique identifier of the document container that was created on the TVS service.
- CreateDocumentContainerResponse.DocumentId¶
Unique identifier of the first (empty) document that was created automatically or
if no document has been created alongside the document container.
- CreateDocumentContainerResponse.ClientApplicationReference¶
An optional string that can be passed through, that allows for calling clients to add identifying information. This may be useful for the adding of context mapping, or linking your object ID’s to ours. This value will be included in request payload sent to your webhook.