
Downloads a report file about the application with the given DownloadPDFRequest.id in PDF format as a binary data stream.


GET {{server}}/VPE/dataAccess/downloadPDF/?id=...&DeviceId=...&SessionId=...

= id

HTTP query string argument that represents the unique identifier of the application for which a PDF file report will be downloaded.


= DeviceId

HTTP query string argument that represents the device identifier as part of the current user session.


= SessionId

HTTP query string argument that represents the user’s current session identifier as part of the current user session.


By using a simple GET request, security-related properties such as the device identifier and session identifier may be exposed as GET arguments. If the connection is over HTTPS, all headers and GET arguments are encrypted but GET arguments may still appear in log files of the web server and/or in the history of the browser.


The response represents the binary data stream of the PDF/based report file that was requested for the application via its unique container identifier.


The response may be an empty data stream if there is an error condition.