Interpreting Results

The TrustID Cloud generates a number of data points for the whole application as well as for its individual documents. The reference documentation provides a list of all Container properties and full Document details. This section gives tips to help you interpret the application and document data.

For more details, see:

Application-level Data

Some information is stored against the application and covers all documents scanned. If the system is configured as a Full check mode Right to Work system, an overall result for the application is returned by TrustID.

For all other system types there is no concept of an overall result and each document in the application must be assessed individually.

Ownership (Raw API Only)

Ownership of an application is shown by the property Container.UserId at application level, giving the unique identifier of the user who created the application. The property Container.ScannedByUser contains a useful display string for the user and their branch, so there is no need to look up the userId.

The properties Container.VpeDeviceId and Container.VpeName provide information about the TrustID Cloud that was used to create the application.

Timestamps (Raw API Only)

The TrustID Cloud uses two types of timestamp at both application and document level:

Overall Status

Each DocumentContainer has a field OverallStatus. This field can be used to quickly determine the overall result for the whole application.

Container.OverallStatus - the overall status of the application.

Liveness Test Result

If Passive Liveness is enabled on your account, the TrustID Cloud will attach the result to the application.

There are two properties for a test:

Right to Work - Full Check

If Full check mode for the Right to Work scheme is enabled, the TrustID Cloud populates the following application-level flexible fields:

  • __RTW_RightToWorkStatus - Status of a statutory excuse against liability for a civil penalty.

  • __RTW_WorkRestrictions - Do any work restrictions apply? Check for any work restrictions to determine the person is able to work being offered.

  • __RTW_FollowUpDate - The date a follow-up check is required, if the statutory excuse was Time Limited.

  • __RTW_Notes - General notes on Right to Work for a document.

Right to Work - Conditional

If Service Mode is set to Right To Work Conditional for the Right to Work scheme, the TrustID Cloud populates the following application-level flexible fields:

  • __RTW_RightToWorkStatus - Status of a statutory excuse against liability for a civil penalty.

  • __RTW_WorkRestrictions - Do any work restrictions apply? Check for any work restrictions to determine the person is able to work being offered.

  • __RTW_FollowUpDate - The date a follow-up check is required, if the statutory excuse was Time Limited.

  • __RTW_Notes - General notes on Right to Work for a document.

Note: Right To Work Conditional Status is on a condition that certain checks are subsequently completed and passed.

The __RTW_RightToWorkStatus field may contain one of the following values:

  • Continuous - Continuous Statutory Excuse: if an employee produces a British passport, Permanent Residence Card or Biometric Residence Permit showing they have indefinite leave, they have demonstrated that they have an indefinite right to work in the UK without restriction.

  • Time Limited - if an employee produces a passport or Biometric Residence Permit which shows they have a time-limited right to work in the UK, the statutory excuse only lasts until the expiry of the visa. The employer is expected to conduct follow-up checks.

  • Rejected - an employee cannot produce a valid passport, Permanent Residence Card, or Biometric Residence Permit.

For more details on Application Flexible Fields, see:

Republic of Ireland Right to Work

If Service Mode is set to Republic of Ireland Right to Work, the TrustID Cloud populates the following application-level flexible fields:

  • __RTW_ROI_RightToWorkStatus - TrustID’s assessment of a candidate’s right to work in the Republic of Ireland, based on the evidence supplied.

  • __RTW_WorkRestrictions - A description of any restrictions or conditions of the candidate’s right to work in the Republic of Ireland.

  • __RTW_FollowUpDate - The date before which the employer should conduct an additional check on any employee with a temporary right to work status in order to ensure continued compliance with Irish right to work requirements.

  • __RTW_Notes -  General notes on the employee’s Right to Work application (separate from document-level notes).

The __RTW_ROI_RightToWorkStatus field may contain one of the following values:

  • Permanent -  The employee has presented sufficient evidence to demonstrate an indefinite right to work in the Republic of Ireland without restriction.

  • Temporary - The employee has presented sufficient evidence to demonstrate a temporary right to work in the Republic of Ireland. Must verify the employee’s right to work again before the current authorisation expires.

  • Rejected - The evidence supplied has not demonstrated a right to work in the Republic of Ireland.

For more details on Application Flexible Fields, see:

KycAml Result

If KycAmlEnabled setting is enabled, the TrustID Cloud populates the following validation results depending upon the TruNarrativeJourney selection:

  • KycAmlCheck - this represents the overall status of KycAmlCheck, for example, if TruNarrativeJourney is set to PEPSANCIDV then the status will only be passed, if both PepAndSanctionCheck and AddressVerfication are passed.

  • PepAndSanctionCheck - represents the validation result of the PepAndSanctionCheck for the application.

  • AddressVerification - represents the address verification result of the application.


        "ActionsText": null,
        "DescriptionText": null,
        "DetailedResult": "No IDV\/PEP Match",
        "DisplayName": "Kyc Aml Check",
        "DocumentContainerId": "...",
        "Id": ...,
        "InformationText": null,
        "Name": "KycAmlCheck",
        "OutcomeCommentText": null,
        "RefFieldNames": null,
        "ValidationOutcome": 1025
        "ActionsText": null,
        "DescriptionText": null,
        "DetailedResult": "PEP Match",
        "DisplayName": "Pep And Sanction Check",
        "DocumentContainerId": "...",
        "Id": ...,
        "InformationText": null,
        "Name": "PepAndSanctionCheck",
        "OutcomeCommentText": null,
        "RefFieldNames": null,
        "ValidationOutcome": 1025
        "ActionsText": null,
        "DescriptionText": null,
        "DetailedResult": "No IDV match",
        "DisplayName": "Address Verification",
        "DocumentContainerId": "...",
        "Id": ...,
        "InformationText": null,
        "Name": "AddressVerification",
        "OutcomeCommentText": null,
        "RefFieldNames": null,
        "ValidationOutcome": 1025

Digital Identification Scheme Result

If GuestDigitalIdentificationSchemes setting is set, the TrustID Cloud populates validation results depending upon the Digital Identification journey (see table below). The result ( DocumentContainerValidationOutcome ) is stored within DocumentContainerValidation ( DocumentContainerValidation ) as one of following validations based on the DigitalIdentificationScheme configured and Identification Profile is stored in DocumentContainerFields attached to container( DocumentContainerField ).


DocumentContainerValidation & DocumentContainerField result pair


RightToWorkDigitalIdentityVerificationCheck RightToWorkIdentityProfile


RightToRentDigitalIdentityVerificationCheck RightToRentIdentityProfile


DBSBasicIdentityVerificationCheck DBSBasicIdentityProfile


DBSStandardOrEnhancedDigitalIdentityVerificationCheck DBSStandardOrDBSEnhancedProfile


DBSStandardOrEnhancedDigitalIdentityVerificationCheck DBSStandardOrDBSEnhancedProfile

Document Level Data

The following information is stored against each document scanned.

Document Type

There are two properties for a document:

Document Validation Status

Issues relating to validation of document data include Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) errors, high-risk issuing countries, and use of RFID chips.

When looking for the overall result for a document, use the Document.AuditorStatus first. If this is set to DocumentStatus.Undefined, use the Document.OperatorStatus.

Document Operator Status

An operator may enter several types of status information on a document:

Document Auditor Status

A document may be referred to an auditor, an operator who inspects referred documents in detail.

If a document has been inspected by an auditor, Document.Audited is set to true.

Other properties are:

An auditor may classify the document as any of the following:

Document Assessment Feedback Messages

The TrustID Cloud provides a lot of information regarding assessment feedback for various aspects of a document.

Each property provides a list of feedback messages. Each message makes a statement about a certain validation aspect of the document; for example “Expiry date checksum is matching” (true or false).

This list of messages makes it clear how many checks have been performed on the document data and the outcome of each check.

The following feedback properties are provided:

See also


Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ)

If a document has an MRZ it’s stored in the property Document.Mrz. Multiple lines are expressed by new-line characters.

In addition, a number of properties provide basic information about the code line, such as:

Document Fraud Analysis

If Document Fraud Analysis has been conducted on your document, the following results ( DocumentValidationResult ) are stored to determine the document’s DFA outcome.

  • Document.DocumentValidations.DocumentFraudSoftware - result driven by the software.

  • Document.DocumentValidations.DocumentFraudAuditor - result set by document analyst.